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Welcome to the Mildrheimr of Skjern, a village on the Island of Skjern. which lies west of Scagnar. Skjern is part of a four island system in the Thassa which is west of Torvaldsland, which also include Scagnar, Hulneth and Hunjer, all of which were said to be ruled by a council of merchants. In the books, Skjern was raided by Torvaldslanders and also raided Torvaldslanders in turn, taking from the mainland the supplies they needed to survive, or wanted simply for the joy of acquiring them. However, true to the customs and cultures of Torvaldslanders, it is believed that each hold would do whatever benefited the hold and the people of that hold, and thus there was always the birth and death of alliances between the peoples of the lands. Torvaldslanders were not traditionally settlers, but raiders who were on the constant move, seeking more goods and more influence among their own kind, for influence and the ability to provide goods to meet the demands of others, was the currency in Torvaldsland and was used to buy the allegiances of other holds.


Following the aftermath of the raid, the council of Merchants disbanded, Skjern, is made to be governed by a traditional Torvald council.  However until those seats are filled, the isle is now overseen by the ruling family, Clan Forkbeard. It is said that upon the serpents of men, they carry country and god with them.  Indeed Skjern is now of the north, kept by the Forkbeard clan, and claimed for the glory of Torvaldlands, and the True Gods.











The Mildrheimr of Skjern is a privately owned, adult (18+) sim which has been created with the ideals and cultures of the John Norman Gor book series and focuses primarily on the life and culture of the Gorean North in Torvaldsland. We here in Skjern, strive for BTB (By the Book) roleplay, interpreting the information provided in the book to be as close to the culture and ideals of John Norman as possible. We will not discuss Gor quotes or the 'realism' of things happening here in Skjern as the story has been laid out before you as OUR interpretation, with BTB methods always held in the highest regard. If you roleplay here, you are aware of this understanding and accept it.


Upon entering the sim, is is understood that as soon as you engage other players in any fashion, that you have read the rules. Reading the rules here in the Mildrheimer of Skjern is an absolute must, for we are not here to mind over your ooc behavior and constantly remind you of the proper decorum of 'playing nice with others', however, ignorance of the rules and even ignorance without common sense, is not an excuse to get away with things and as an adult, you will be held accountable for your actions.

Upon entering the sim, it is understood that you may witness acts of violence, rape, sexual encounters, death, and physical abuse. Gor is a harsh world and these are things that could be encountered daily. By engaging in roleplay of any nature, you take responsibility for your exposure to these situations. We do not accept personal limits here in Skjern, but in order to allow roleplayers to come and enjoy the stories made here, do DO accept FTB (Fading to Black) during scenes which may be found disturbing. This does not mean that the scene did not happen, it simply means that we will fast forward past the scene to the moments after without roleplaying out the graphic details.



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