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  • All who enter the sim must be age verified adults and also play a character who is NO LESS than 18 years old. Child avatars, avatars under 5 feet 6 inches tall, and NON GOREAN characters will not be accepted.

  • The zCS meter must be worn at all times. Do not reset your meter on this sim for ANY reason  other than by the approval of an Admin or Moderator. Sparring must be done in arena mode. If you step away from  your computer at any time, your meter MUST be set to away mode and your character must be parked out of any role play areas.

  • As a roleplay intensive sim, once you step off the docks, you have entered the roleplay area and will act accordingly which includes but is not limited to:

    • Keeping all Out of Character comments out of Local Chat

    • Engaging in roleplay scenes AFTER becoming aware of the scenario taking place

    • Not using IM's or other Out of Character methods to badger other players

    • Conducting yourself in a Gorean fashion and accepting consequences of your actions

    • Wearing proper Gorean attire at ALL TIMES

  • The use of ALTS is NOT allowed here in Skjern for the Players already in Sim or Visitors. This -is not- a 'Don't ask Don't Tell' sim which means that the use of an ALT must be disclosed and approved. Violators will be dealt with accordingly and may lose their privileges to roleplay here on any character.

  • The use of your roleplay dice is encouraged in regards to conflicts or difficult situations. This keeps things 'fair and interesting. However, we will not force you to use roleplay dice.

  • Once more, Keep away from getting into other Players IMs for any conflict or arguments. Reach for  the Admins to resolve any conflict. Proving a point in argument wouldn't lead to any issues. 


  • Mixing IC and OOC : we have several ooc communication tools as Group chat in SL and Discord. These tools are only for OOC chat, conversation, jokes, and to enjoy each other's company. PLEASE DON'T talk about any RP, players, or mention any of your personal feeling about any RP going in the sim. If you have any issues of concern or you see something now right, you can always talk to one of the admins. 





  • The laws and traditions of our land support the idea that Free Woman of the hold have value and thus must be accorded certain protections. All women not of the hold, who arrive without escort (NPC or Real), however, enter the hold at their own risk and are not held under the protection of the hold without swearing fealty to the Hold Jarl. Therefore, you enter at your own risk as you can be captured, whipped, ransomed, enslaved or kept.

  • A man may not simply claim a woman as his free companion. A man must approach the woman's father, male kin or the Hold Jarl and discuss the terms of a bride price and be granted permission to have the woman in companionship.

  • Kidnapping - NPC's may be used to determine evidence of a kidnapping that takes place in order to obtain IC information. When the kidnapper sails with the person in question they have to list in a post saying to the captain of the boat the persons name and where they are sailing too and send a copy of it to an admin on sim.

  • Deaths - 24 hours (Suicide 7 days but are discouraged) after 30 minutes roleplay. Death requires a notecard be given to one of the owners/mods, who must approve it.






Skjern is a role play intensive sim which means that role play takes precedence over raiding and metered combat. At Skjern, creative, fun and interactive story lines between the players as well as between the sims, is encouraged. Because role play is the top priority here, there are a few guidelines to follow.



Role play is consensual interaction between your character and another persons character. Every physical interaction must be posted as an ATTEMPT towards the other player. This gives the other player the flexibility and change to either accept or deflect the action that your character is ATTEMPTING to do to them

Not all people who break the rules and conduct of role play are bad role players but rather, inexperienced role players. Most people who commit any type of breach in role playing rules and etiquette are simply inexperienced role players. If you are a serious role player, it is sometimes difficult to overlook the inexperienced form of other role players. In order to do so, keep the following rules in mind.

1. Do not overreact in any manner.
        Don't overreact and respond with poor conduct, IC or OOC. 
        Do not message the player and tell them off and do not intentionally tarnish their character or role play as some form of revenge. 
        Keep cool and collected and politely message them to explain the error they've made.
        2. Respect the Author and the Player.
        There is nothing worse that creating bad blood between players due to inexperienced role players or even a deliberate slight. The moment you lose sight of the fact that each character is driven by an actual human being is the moment that things get out of hand.
        3. Lead by Example.
        We ALL make mistakes. We ALL want to develop our stories and our characters. Make it a general rule to show other role players how things are done by doing them yourself. Be patient, try to politely correct their errors and be forgiving of mistakes.
        Even as a seasoned role player, mistakes can still happen.
        4. Celebrate the difference between IC and OOC
        Even though it is difficult at times, you MUST keep your IC and OOC feelings completely separate from your role play. Do not get mad at something valid going on in role play and then take those feelings OOCly and use them to cause drama.

    Everyone has their own style of role play, be they paragraph role players or one line role players. Since we are all     different in our styles but we all desire to be a part of the story, take into consideration the following:
    1. Posting Order:
    Just because it takes you five seconds as opposed to the other person who takes 5
    minutes, does not mean that you get impatient and skip their 'turn' to react and respond to the role play. Be patient and take turns using the appropriate posting order.
    2. JOIN a Scene
    Join into a scene that you have walked in on by waiting until everyone involved has made ONE post and then post     into the scene accordingly. Do not walk in and post before anything has been typed and assume you have a clue       what has been transpiring. 
    It is considered bad form to walk into a group of people who are active role playing and say 'Tal everyone' or something to that affect when you don't even know what you have walked in to.
    3, Don't Assume
    If you walk up to someone and greet and they don't immediately respond, do not ASSUME that they are deliberately ignoring you. Some people take longer than others to type out their response. Don't approach someone, fire off two words in your post, then walk off.
    If you're going to engage someone in roleplay, even if it's as simple as greeting one another, you must give them ample time to respond and engage. If you don't have the time to be considerate to your fellow role players, then don't engage them.
    4. Set Your Meter
If you are available for role play, be certain you set your meter to RP or COMBAT mode so that others are aware you are approachable for role play. If you are going to go AFK, move AWAY from active role play areas and set your meter to AFK.
   5. Role Play Areas
Do not teleport people in and do not teleport out of an active role play area. Do not use teleporting as a way to avoid being seen in the village or being questioned. This interrupts the flow of roleplay and the development of stories.
    6. Fade to Black (FTB)
There are certain incidents and scenes that some people are not comfortable role
playing out and we can not force them to go through the details of them such as rape, torture, or any other difficult situation. These characters have the right to Fade to Black which means not role playing out the scene with the details but STILL having to acknowledge that the incident DID happen to their characters.
Performing impossible actions and scenarios in order to maximize the positive outcome for your character without the consideration to story telling, role play, or negative affects it may have on other players and their stories is called POWERGAMING. 
The use of information that you have only obtained through OOC means rather than through IC character development and methods is called METAGAMING. This includes but is not limited to tag reading, knowing a characters name without IC introduction, or using OOC information provided in a players 'PICKS' tab in their profiles.
Taking control of another persons character by dictating their reactions and actions is called GODMODDING.
A thought that deliberately causes insult to another player or character which is not physically voiced by your character and therefore, can not be responded to. DO NOT
use thought emotes for the sake of insulting someone and avoiding the consequences.
The other player has the right to take your negative thoughts and bring them out into
the open air of role play so that you must face your actions. If it is something you are not willing to say verbally for everyone in the scene to hear, then it is something you should not be thinking either.
Last BUT not least:
There are RP moderators on sim, ones that will always be willing to resolve a conflict you might face.
Nonetheless we encourage you to find a solution ICly before contacting a moderator. As a fact, once a moderator it's called by the same player all the time, then the player failed following the basic rules of the RP.




  • Only Gorean animals which might be found in the Northern regions of Gor (Torvaldsland area), will be allowed on the sim. This includes but is not limited to bosk, verr, hurt, sleen, vulo, kaiila, etc.

  • Animals have no rights and thus can be killed if they pose a threat to the village or villagers

  • Unowned animals who want to be tame animals, can contact an Admin to get assistance with being placed with an owner.

  • Tame animals must be escorted by a human when wandering around the village. When an escort is not present, tamed animals must be kept in their pens or cages. Untamed animals may wander out in the forest at their leisure without an escort. 

  • Only free men may control or own tamed sleen.

  • All NON SENTIENT animals on this sim will be 'non combatants'. They will not take part in metered combat. If an animal wants to attack, they will be encouraged to use dice for the conflict. Remember, animals have no rights and can be killed. Consider this before attacking a villager.

  • Kurri MIGHT be seen roaming the woods, however, if a Kurri is captured, inside or outside of the hold walls, it will likely be killed.

  • There is no kill timer for animals, which means that there does not have to be a certain amount of roleplay before the animal is dispatched. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that you SHOULD kill another Roleplaying Character just to do it. Roleplay is ALWAYS encouraged before you end someones roleplay story.




First and foremost: ALWAYS remember it is you the player to had chosen the role you want to develop. What happens In Character MUST be dealt with In Character 

♀ Bond-maids:
are work slaves and expected to be proactive with serving the Free, field work and chores at all the times. They are sassy, but not disrespectful, filled with initiative and are equally good at tending their chores as warming the Jarl's furs. The fact that they are sassy does not give them any more freedom, quite the opposite.

♂ Thralls:
are despised and must obey instantly and perfectly or could be immediately killed. In Torvaldsland there are more male slaves than in other regions of Gor, cause men were out at sea and man power was needed in agriculture.

→ What we are looking for ?
    Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are looking to play the role of a bond here. 
    There are things we look for in our bonds, and though these are suggestions and you are free to play your character as you see fit, these are what we currently desire. 

    ✯  If you are brand new to gor, or brand new to rp, we will help you. But are not going to be coddled. You are going to have to work hard, learn the rules and learn the expectations and hit the ground running. Be willing to learn. Even experienced rp'ers need to learn our ways here. Just be upfront and let us know so we can help. 
    ✯✯  We are looking for bold bonds, not ones that are going to cower in a corner expecting hand holding and a man to romance you and sweep you up into his arms...his Fabio hair flowing as
 he takes you by the fire. Most likely he will dump you into it and save the hassle of having to
 break that out of you. So let's just avoid that. We don't entertain drama queens. We have enough of those and are over quota. Attention seeking behaviors are annoying and those types of people are removed early on. There are ways to have fun and do things that might get you into some trouble...but there is a difference between respectful and flat out attention seeking.

    ✯✯✯ We are seeking bonds that know the role and want to jump in with both feet. The bonds here are eager to have other bonds to share adventures with, as well as serving. Chores are more fun with others. Also...the bonds want players that want to interact with them. We want to have stories amongst ourselves and not rely only on the free to entertain us.

    ✯✯✯✯ Do not be in an erotic rp and IM visitors that land on sim trying to get them to be the next in line. Don't be desperate. This sim is not very heavy on sexual roleplay. It happens but not overly so and being too aggressive sexually will make people think their computers will get an STD from you.  We don't do gifts that keep on giving unless it is a snack box that arrives once a month. 

    ✯✯✯✯✯ Stay out of IMs in general, if something is going wrong pause the rp and ask an admin. Far too often people are jumping into IMs and things get aggressive. If there is something you don't understand...or need clarification? No problem, but keep it to a minimum and never go in with insults flying. 

1. Slaves  can be disciplined by any Free for any or no reason. This causes the slaves to strive to please the Free at all times. Slaves are property and own nothing.  If a slave is harmed there WILL BE compensation to pay to the owner if it is private or to the Hold Jarl if the bond is village owned. If you or your owner cannot deal with it, leave Gor.

2. Any unowned/uncollared slave coming in the village is considered property of the village by land rites. It is up to the Hold Jarl of the village to determine what to do with these lost beasts.  Alone, wandering slaves without any good reason for doing so will be considered runaways. Runaway slaves will be jailed and a message sent to their owner if the owners identity can be established through role play means. If no reply has come in 5 days the captive slave will become a village bond. 

3. A free man who uses a belted slave is not to be dealt with OOCly.  If there is a dispute the owner of a belted slave can bring any grievances to the Hold Jarl for payment and/or damages.

4. Slaves are allowed an NPC owner for three days to find your way into roleplay on our sim.  After those three days, slaves MUST have an actual (live) owner or they will be considered property of the long hall.  NPC owners are not a safety net for not being punished for actions.

5. Slaves do NOT carry weapons of any nature. If found doing so they will be punished severely. Slaves may, however, in self defense, or if needed for other use of course, pick up an item close to them and use this to defend themselves, but by doing this they are aware the punishment will most likely be death. No slave may strike a Free Person or touch a weapon unless they are thralls called upon to defend their Owner or the village.

6. A village slave is never allowed to leave the village ICly to roam to other cities or travel without the permission from a free.  If they do so and are found out, they will be considered a runaway and handled accordingly.


The kirtle is an ankle length garment made from the wool of the verr. Woven or pressed in to a felt-like fabric. It has a deep V-cut neckline plunging to a girl's navel. It is sleeveless. It is worn when traveling or working outside according to the book. But as we are not in the book, we are in second life and we strive to follow the book by means possible, and I'll repeat, strive to follow the book by means POSSIBLE. Anything that is overly extreme like multiple body piercings or full body/modern tattoos will not be allowed as it was not something common for a bond. We do allow slaves to wear what would be appropriate to the climate (which is holy shit cold for those of you who do not know yet), and in various colors. Not neon pink, green, blue and stuff like that but natural tones such as brown, gray, black, rust etc. 

Silks, camisks or tunics of any kind are NOT permitted in Skjern unless you are visitor. 

Again and again - think Role-Play - deal with everything In Character


Thralls wore short tunics of wool from verr; their hair was closely cropped; about their throats had been hammered bands of black iron, with a welded ring attached. 

Any displays of bickering,  or possessiveness will not be tolerated in the village.  A bond-maid will find herself punished if it continues after it is noted by the lead bonds-maid. The free do not concern themselves with the bickering of slaves.


WE DO allow sexual restrictions for private slaves, people have feelings and to avoid unnecessary drama people WILL respect these limits. However, role play wise and as again we strive to follow the books you are to -IM- the slave and ask for restrictions, if she is restricted she WILL tell you and you do NOT have to role play down that road then.

There are no white or red silk girls in the North, there are only bondmaids.  Bonds of the North are expected to be bold, they are expected to be blunt, and they are expected to be sexual, it is nothing for a bond to serve from the lap of a man.

There are no restrictions in Skjern for village owned slaves when dealing with villagers. But for those not of the village, know that no Jarl with honor will touch another’s property even that of the village, if they do not live there without asking permission from one of the members of Skjern first. But remember in the North most things were shared with those that are guests of the village. 
If you have a private slave, when you're not online, PUT HER TO WORK! There are so many chores to accomplish in the village.

Unopened village bonds will remain so until the Hold Jarl decides otherwise

Any new bond will be branded with the bondmaid brand as soon as possible.

Bond-maids need to stay busy, there is tons and tons of work and they should not have to be told to do it. Get your arses at work, cleaning, cooking, gathering wood, feeding and cleaning the animals and their pens. Bringing in the harvest. Skjern expects full participation of -all- bond-maids in serving, choring as well as pleasing the Jarl in the Furs.   

In the event of a raid or plunder upon the Village ALL bonds are to follow the defensive plan established by the First or Second Jarl of Skjern. HIDE!

Slave Chain of Command:
The Hold Jarl
The First Jarl
The Second Jarl
Free women
The Hold Jarl's Favored Bond ((?))




  • The dress of Free Women must be of modest design including undergarments and show no skin other than from hands to upper arms, from neck to upper chest, or from feet to the mid calf.  At no time should any belly, cleavage or shoulders be showing. Veils are not required of woman of Torvaldsland, nor are shoes and stockings for those of low station.

  • Free Women shall act in no manner that is deemed physically aggressive towards any Free Man, including pushing, raising of fists, or touching of weapons unless there is a clear and present danger to their person.

  • Free Women shall act in no manner that is deemed sexually aggressive or inviting towards any Free Man, including exposing of their body, heat or desire to him, kneeling to him as a bond, or submitting. Any Free Woman who submits to a Man of the village and is rejected becomes the property of the High Jarl.  Displays of affection, including chaste kisses, hand holding and hugging of one’s companion or kin, are NOT deemed to be sexual aggression.

  • Free Women who are captured and rescued or returned shall not be enslaved, unless proof of a specific and clear act of submission is available.

  • Free women in the north had "much" freedom, they were NOT required to wear veils. They could also participate, actively, in any conversation and be HEARD.
    The man, however, always had the last word.

  • Free women may have their own property, thrall, bond, items and also manage their companion's property in his absence. Expect the property to be respected, and also handle the control and trade of the companion's goods.

  • Free women of Torvaldsland have the right to keep their emotions, feelings and thoughts to themselves.  They got the right to physical, emotionally and intellectual privacy. Which means they can bathe, dress, undress etc. in privacy.

  • Free women have the right to disobey, and to disagree.  Free women are not bonds, who must do as they are ordered, nor should they be threatened if they do not obey.  Only a woman’s companion, the Jarl of the Hold, or his direct representatives have the right to order a free woman.

  • The Longhall Mistress or the Jarl's woman have the right to demand all bonds to be dressed while she is present in the hall IF there are no men about. Out of respect for the Mistress of the Long Hall, men are asked to take the bonds from the main table to the furs if they wish to fur them (The Alcoves) 

  • A man cannot simply "claim" a Free Woman. He is to approach the woman's father or nearest male kin and discuss the terms of the dowry or bride price. If no male kin is available, the Hold Jarl will stand in his place.

  • They did not carry weapons, nor engaged themselves in combat. Unless they had to defend their home (House, cabin, NOT the village), their property or their children in an attack. In that situation they used whatever was available; frying pans, brooms, knives/daggers or their own hands.
    Openly, only hairpins and simple tools may be carried.Even though the women of the north were well built, they did not have the means to handle an axe or a sword, neither were they capable of drawing a large bow.

  • Within the private home of any man in the Skjern, he has full authority over those who accept his hospitality, and it is to his honor to which any Free Woman subjects herself when accepting his invitation.

  • A Man of Skjern may NOT collar a Free Woman from Skjern without first seek approval from the Jarl of the Hold or his officers. Any man of the village may, however, punish any Free Woman by other means then collaring (ex. fetter, detain, whip or strip), such action, out of respect for our kinsmen, should be granted to the woman's Father, brother, or companion should he be available.




Panthers would typically avoid villages, cities and areas that were populated. Panthers feared men and what threat men posed to them. Often, they would disguise as free women and sneak into villages/camps for trade, stealing, medical attention. A lone panther would never enter a village armed, the risk would be too high for her. Do not forget Skjern is an Island, A panther would not be able to arrive to the island dressed as a panther. Keep this in mind as you enter. 


If you choose to enter the sim (and its skyboxes) fully armed, do expect combat. The men of Skjern protect and watch for threats to their homeland. An armed, half naked woman would not only be seen as a threat, but a potential bond.  If the woman was untrainable, she would be used as bait for the sleens. 


  • Have good IC reason to be here

  • Disguise yourself, its what panthers did (this applies to all rp areas of Skjern such as sky boxes, camps etc)

  • If you step from the Landing/Skyboxes armed and dressed as a panther, expect combat.

  • We do not engage combat with GE panthers or fighters. IF  you are GE, disarm and disguise before entering RP dock. Otherwise, you will be asked to leave.

  • Anyone trying to bypass the ruling on GE panthers and fighters by stating they are not associated with any groups but obvious signs/intentions are shown, will also be asked to leave or ejected.  We do not engage combat with GE fighters, whether male or female. 




We are pleased to state that housing in Skjern's hold is free. However, it will only be obtained by active Role players, keeping in mind that all houses area is part of the In character roleplay.

To obtain your own house it should be done via Role Play :
1. RP in the sim for a week, to be eligible  to obtain a full residency.  
2. You need to meet with the chieftain and to oath to the Chieftain. (Men only)
3. Women can take permission only for their trade along with their family/Male member who oath to the Chieftain. 

Below are the various types of housing on the sim and how you qualify for each.

1-  ** Only single free women village (often wards of the Chieftain) will live in a communal lodging specifically for them. It is located near the long hall in the village. All free women who are unwed may reside in the women's hall.

2 - Men's Couches in Tavern Alcoves
        ** Single men who are sworn to the Chieftain will reside here.

3 - Village/Farmer Houses
        ** Families will live in these once they've earned them via whatever requirement
            the Chieftain makes of them. We do require you put in the time and role play 
            effort before you can have and keep a home. To do this you must do the following:
                    - Be sworn to the Chieftain
                    - Be a man.  (Women will not own a house, period.)
                    - Be active in the sim & contribute toward Roleplay over a period
                      of time.
                    - Request to be able to move into a home from the Chieftain.
                    - Meet the requirements of the Chieftain prior to renting an available house within.

        ** Houses currently available:
                Single Family Homes
                Cheese Maker Home
                Brewer Home
                Farmer Home
        **  We ask you to decorate your houses in a Gorean style. 
        ** In order for you to KEEP your home once you have earned it, you must maintain your level of activity and contributions to the sim. We do check regularly. If it is noticed that you are no longer active your prims will be removed and returned. 

        ** You will be granted a set prim allowance for your house, 50 prims. If you go over the prim allowance set, items will be randomly returned to bring you back in line with your prim allowance.
        ** Please set scripts to not running in items that don't require scripts for functionality. 
        This includes things like fireplaces, color change decor, etc. 
        If scripted items are using high amounts of resources, admin may return the item 
        or ask that it be replaced or set to not running. 
        Lowering script usage makes this a better experience for everyone.


With the growth of the sim, the Admin team and sim owners have had to re-examine the prim usage and allowances we have to our disposal so that those already residing on Skjern and those who will come and join us all can have an equal share. With the addition of the mountain/forest scene, the one of a kind water battle scene,  arena. With the visual growth of the sim as a group, we must adjust to make room for everyone!

With this in mind please note the following changes

Homes: 60 Prims*
Shops- Undecorated: 30 Prims 
Stalls- Undecorated: 20 Prims
Warriors Hall: 60 prims

NOTE: If you were asked to supply decor for the sim (exp. Raid Horns etc), please reach out to Gunnar Forkbeard (seadogjoe) to ensure your prim count. 

Please Remember Prim Allowances are based on Active rpers, this also applies to houses.***

*Houses prim count means all members of the household's prims counted towards the total. 

** The sim will now be providing decor for trades. For specific items etc please let the team know. I.E a particular decor item needed etc.

***Players who have not been active on sim for longer than three weeks consecutively (exp:online but not on sim/not online) without letting someone on the admin team know will forfeit their claims on a house.  


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